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What to do in case of damage

Find answers to some common questions related to property damage

It is important that any kind of damage is reported immediately to the landlord so the landlord could proceed with the fixing process immediately.

This is important especially in case of water leaks or similar, in order to avoid bigger damage.

In case some devices which was in a working condition is damage due to misuse, physical damage or lack of cleaning the tenant has the responsibility to repair the device or replace it with a new one.

In case you broke a piece of furniture during your stay it's your responsibility to replace it or fix it prior to your departure.

This damage occurs when tenants do not clean the property for months and it can lead to damage on furniture,floors,walls or kitchen equipment in such way that the item cannot be repaired or fixed so it's considered damaged.

In case the tenants did not air the property on a daily basis for a few months, the walls may absorb humidity which is created in the rooms due to breathing, clothes drying or cooking and molds appear on the walls.

It often leads to damage on the walls and sometimes on furniture and other equipment.

In order to avoid this allow some fresh air in your apartment on a daily basis and in case of molds report it to the landlord immediately.



When damage occurs in a leased property, it's important to approach the situation carefully and take appropriate steps to address it. Here are some tips to keep in mind:


1. Report the damage

Report the damage to your landlord immediately: Whether the damage was caused by you or not, it's essential to inform your landlord as soon as possible. This will help the landlord to take necessary actions to fix the damage before it worsens. You can call your landlord or send an email, text, or any other communication method that your landlord prefers.

Act fast

2. Act fast

Act fast: Time is of the essence when it comes to property damage. If the damage is not reported immediately, it can lead to further problems like mold growth or structural damage. Therefore, it's important to take swift action and report the damage as soon as possible.


3. Determine who is responsible

Determine who is responsible for fixing the damage: Once your landlord is aware of the damage, they will investigate the cause of it to determine who is responsible for fixing it. If the damage was caused by you or your guests, you will be responsible for covering the repair costs. However, if the damage was caused by normal wear and tear or a maintenance issue, the landlord will be responsible for fixing it and covering the costs.


4. Fix the damage

Fix the damage: Once the responsible party is determined, the next step is to proceed with fixing the damage. If you are responsible for the damage, the landlord will hire repair services, and you will cover the costs. On the other hand, if the landlord is responsible, they will organize the repair and cover the costs.


In summary, if damage occurs in your leased property, it's important to inform your landlord immediately, act fast, determine the responsible party, and proceed with fixing the damage as soon as possible. This will help you avoid further complications and maintain a good landlord-tenant relationship.