Keeping the property clean

In this section we will explain some rules when it comes to cleaning the property

The landlord is responsible to clean the property prior to the tenant's arrival, while the tenants are responsible for cleaning the property during their stay and upon their departure. 

The property should be returned in the same condition as it was upon arrival.

In case of shared accommodation where tenants have their own private rooms but the common rooms like kitchen, bathrooms, living rooms or similar areas are shared it is the shared responsibility of all the tenants to clean the common areas.

In case tenants cannot come to an agreement for the cleaning schedule in order to clean the common areas, the landlord has the right to hire a cleaning service and invoice the costs to all the tenants.

Move in

Check the property

On your arrival make sure to check the property in detail in order to get an overview of the cleanliness level.

The property has to be returned in the same condition as on departure.


During stay

Clean on regular basis

It is important to clean the property on a regular basis during your stay.

This means on a weekly basis or every 2 weeks in order to keep it in order.

Airing is also important on a daily basis, so make sure to open the windows every day to allow some fresh air in the rooms and to prevent mold appearing on the walls.

In case you are not able or don't want to clean the property by yourself you can hire a cleaning service.

The important thing to mention is that it's the tenant responsibility to clean the property and return it in the same condition upon departure.

Final cleaning

Before you leave

Make sure to clean the property completely before your departure and make sure to repair any damage.

In case you don't clean the property and leave it in a messy condition, the landlord has the right to deduct the cleaning cost from your deposit.

Usually this costs depend on the apartment size, so the cost can be from dozen to hundreds of euros.